Please join us for our monthly Parke Society meeting via Zoom. This month Parke Society President, Susan Van Allen, will give a presentation about the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS). A brief description of the GPS from the Family Search wiki:
“For a long time, serious genealogists have sought to define a standard by which their deduced conclusions—about an ancestral identity, event or relationship—could be measured, to appear cogent and reasonable to other colleagues and the world at large. For the most part, we are talking here about drawing conclusions when we find contradictory or ambiguous information and/or only indirect evidence about the matter or question we want to address. So often our genealogical procedures involve ‘problem-solving’ and not straightforward primary information with direct evidence.”
Following the presentation we will, as always, open up the meeting for questions or comments on this topic, or any other subject of interest to those attending. Parke Society members and non-members alike are invited to attend our monthly meetings. To obtain the link to join the meeting, simply contact Susan Van Allen at the email listed in our newsletter or on our website ( If you have attended a meeting via Zoom in the past, the link used will work for this meeting as well.