Please join us this Saturday, November 12th, at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to all Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
Our Historian, Michael Tad Parks+, will talk about how we review and work with member’s Lineage Applications, and in particular, sort out when things just don’t seem to add up. He will share a case when things didn’t make sense, and how he discovered the true line of descent.
DNA Project Administrator, Ken Parks, will also talk about the value of the Parke Society’s large database to the DNA project and its vital role in assigning participants to the correct lineage and how the database is extremely useful when looking at participants’ autosomal (Family Finder) Park/e/s matches.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting. And when you join the zoom meeting, don’t forget to add your Parke Society member number to your name on the screen!