Please join us for our monthly Town Hall meeting, where we’ll be discussing some exciting new developments coming in the new year!
To join the meeting:
Please join us for our monthly Town Hall meeting, where we’ll be discussing some exciting new developments coming in the new year!
To join the meeting:
Please join us this Saturday, November 12th, at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to all Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
Our Historian, Michael Tad Parks+, will talk about how we review and work with member’s Lineage Applications, and in particular, sort out when things just don’t seem to add up. He will share a case when things didn’t make sense, and how he discovered the true line of descent.
DNA Project Administrator, Ken Parks, will also talk about the value of the Parke Society’s large database to the DNA project and its vital role in assigning participants to the correct lineage and how the database is extremely useful when looking at participants’ autosomal (Family Finder) Park/e/s matches.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting. And when you join the zoom meeting, don’t forget to add your Parke Society member number to your name on the screen!
Please join us this Saturday, October 8th, at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to all Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
Last month’s discussion focussed on ways to increase participation by our members in the “back office” functions of the Society, and several good suggestions came out of that brainstorming session. Then our annual Parke Society meetings took place at the end of September, and this month’s Town Hall meeting will feature some of the ideas and action items that came out of all of these meetings. Please join us to learn about what’s planned for the coming months, and bring along any more ideas, thoughts, or comments you might have. Your input is welcomed and valuable to us!
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting. And when you join the zoom meeting, don’t forget to add your Parke Society member number to your name on the screen!
Please join us this Saturday, September 10th, at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to all Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
This month’s discussion will focus on ways to increase participation by our members in the “back office” functions of the Society. If you have thoughts about how the staff and officers are handling things, or would like to volunteer your time and talents, please join us for a full discussion of where we need more “hands on deck” and what is involved in the various areas of the Society’s business. Your input is both welcomed and needed, so do join us this Saturday!
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Please join us this Saturday, July 9th, at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to all Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
Has your Park/e/s research hit a snag? Join us for a free-wheeling discussion of strategies for breaking through those brick walls. Bring your stumpers and, if you’d had success in the past in overcoming obstacles, please share with others how you managed to do so!
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Please join us this Saturday, May 14th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
Attendees are invited to share their experiences with the newly-released 1950 census, both success stories and frustrations with finding family members. We’ll discuss some of the recent updates in terms of indexing and finding aids for the 1950 census. The meeting will then be opened up for discussion of these topics, or any others that attendees wish to discuss.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Please join us this Saturday, April 9th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
The Town Hall meeting this month will begin with a short presentation by President Susan Van Allen, along with a brief update on what’s happening these days with the Society in general. The meeting will then be opened up for discussion of these topics, or any others that attendees wish to discuss.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Please join us this Saturday, March 12th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
The Town Hall meeting this month will begin with a short update on what’s being discussed and acted upon by the Board of Trustees and the Society Staff. The meeting will then be opened up for discussion of these topics, or any others that attendees wish to discuss.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Please join us this Saturday, February 12th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
The Town Hall meeting this month will begin with a short presentation by Parke Society President Susan Van Allen on using GPS in your genealogical research. The meeting will then be opened up for discussion of this topic, or any other that attendees wish to discuss.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.
Happy New Year! Please join us this Saturday, January 8th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.
This Town Hall meeting this month could well be entitled, “Which Way Did They Go?” and we’ll talk about various kinds of death records for various periods in history, so bring any and all questions or comments to the meeting and feel free to share them for discussion.
To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen or Vice President Ken Parks at the email addresses found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.