Monthly Town Hall Meeting – December 11, 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, December 11th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.

This Town Hall meeting will be a “free-for-all,” meaning no set topic, so bring any and all questions or comments to the meeting and feel free to share them for discussion. 

To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen or Vice President Ken Parks at the email addresses found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – November 13, 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, November 13th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.

Ken Parks PS#1406 will give a brief update regarding current DNA test prices for both new tests and upgrades during the end-of-year sales now ongoing, then the meeting will be opened up for discussion on this topic or any other the attendees wish to raise.

To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – October 9, 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, October 9th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.

Wilma Handley PS#1469 will give a brief presentation about the DAR Library, then the meeting will be opened up for discussion on this topic or any other the attendees wish to raise.

To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.

2021 Parke Society annual Corporate Meeting – Sunday, 26 September, 4 pm Eastern Time

All active members of the Parke Society are invited to attend the annual Corporate Meeting of the Society, to be held on the Zoom platform on Sunday, 26 September 2021 at 4 pm Eastern Time. 

To receive the necessary meeting link, please contact PS President Susan Van Allen PS#1653 at the email address found in your Parke Society newsletter or here on the website. Please provide your Parke Society member number in your correspondence.

Members may participate in the discussion of any business addressed, and will vote to elect a slate of Trustees at this meeting as well as any other items to be voted upon.

The Corporate Meeting will be followed immediately by the 2nd Trustee Meeting, which members may attend, where the Trustees will vote to elect the slate of Officers for the coming year.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – September 11, 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, September 11th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.

Ken Parks PS#1406 will give a brief overview of the upcoming release of the 1950 US census next year, then the meeting will be opened up for discussion on this topic or any other the attendees wish to raise.

To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials. If you have attended a town hall meeting in the past, the same join credentials will work for this meeting.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – August 14, 2021 at 3pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, August 14th at 3pm Eastern Time for another Parke Society Town Hall meeting online via Zoom. Open to Parke Society members and interested non-members alike.

To join the meeting, contact Parke Society President Susan Van Allen at the email address found on our website or in your Parke Society newsletter for the join authorization credentials.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – June 12, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern Time

Please join us this Saturday, June 12th, as Fr. Michael “Tad” Parks explains the Parke Society’s unique system for identifying both the many different Park/e/s lineages in our database, as well as the individuals within those lineages. The Lineage Key system, or LK for short, is not as complicated as it seems to those unfamiliar with it, and once the basic concept is understood, enables us to quickly identify a Park/e/s individual without confusion or a great deal of additional identifying verbiage.

Following the short presentation, as always, the floor will be open for discussion or questions about this or any other topic attendees may wish to raise. If you have attended a meeting in the past, your link from previous meetings should work, but in any case a join link may be obtained by contacting Parke Society President, Susan Van Allen at her email listed on the Parke Society webpage or in our newsletter. Meetings are open to Society members and to those interested in joining.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – May 8, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time

Please join us this Saturday for the next Parke Society Town Hall Meeting. Rather than focusing on a specific topic, this month’s meeting will be more of a “free-for-all” where any subject or topic that anyone wishes to discuss will be addressed by all participants; staff, officers, and members alike. If you have a question about your particular lineage or a brick wall problem you’re having trouble with, feel free to share it with the group and take advantage of others’ thoughts and advice. If you’d like Fr. Michael Parks, as PS Historian, or Ken Parks, as DNA Administrator, to address your specific lineage, please contact them ahead of time so they can have the needed information on your lineage handy. You can find their email addresses on the “Contact Us” page on the PS website or in your newsletter. We hope to see you on Saturday!

To obtain the join link, simply contact Susan Van Allen using the email found on our website or in the PS newsletter. If you have attended one of our monthly meetings in the past, the same link will work for this meeting and others in the future. The meetings are open to members and to non-members who are considering joining the Society.

Monthly Town Hall Meeting – April 10, 2021 at 3 pm Eastern time

Please join us for this month’s Parke Society Town Hall meeting via Zoom as Parke Society President Susan Van Allen gives her presentation about the Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS), postponed from last month’s meeting. As always, following the month’s presentation there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the topic, as well as any other topic of interest.

To obtain the join link, simply contact Susan Van Allen using the email found on our website or in the PS newsletter. If you have attended one of our monthly meetings in the past, the same link will work for this meeting and others in the future. The meetings are open to members and to non-members who are considering joining the Society.