Admitted to the Union on May 23, 1788 as the 8th state.
- 1790 federal census extant for all districts.
- 1800 federal census extant for all districts except Richland.
- 1810 – 1860 federal census extant for all districts.
- 1870 – 1940 federal censuses extant for all counties except for 1890.
Abbeville | Aiken | Allendale | Anderson |
Bamberg | Barnwell | Beaufort | Berkeley |
Calhoun | Charleston | Cherokee | Chester |
Chesterfield | Clarendon | Colleton | Darlington |
Dillon | Dorchester | Edgefield | Fairfield |
Florence | Georgetown | Greenville | Greenwood |
Hampton | Horry | Jasper | Kershaw |
Lancaster | Laurens | Lee | Lexington |
McCormick | Marion | Marlboro | Newberry |
Oconee | Orangeburg | Pickens | Richland |
Saluda | Spartanburg | Sumter | Union |
Williamsburg | York |