
Admitted to the Union on April 28, 1788 as the 7th state.

  • 1790 federal census extant for all counties except Allegany, Calvert, and Somerset are lost. Much of Dorchester is also lost.
  • 1800 federal census extant for all counties except Baltimore County outside the city of Baltimore is lost.
  • 1810 – 1820 federal censuses extant for all counties.
  • 1830 federal census extant for all counties except Montgomery, Prince George’s, Queen Anne’s, St. Mary’s, and Somerset.
  • 1840 – 1940 federal censuses extant for all counties except for 1890.
Allegany Anne Arundel Baltimore Baltimore City
Calvert Caroline Carroll Cecil
Charles Dorchester Frederick Garrett
Harford Howard Kent Montgomery
Prince George’s Queen Anne’s St. Mary’s Somerset
Talbot Washington Wicomico Worcester